At Hadar Yosef, the students learn Nature Studies in the context of Mitzvot Ha’tluyot Ba’Aretz. These include practical lessons in agriculture, gardening and ecology.
All the gardening throughout the grounds of Hadar Yosef is established and maintained by the students. Through this, the students learn of responsibility, team work, planning and aesthetics.
We have a large area which is cultivated by the students, who grow organic season vegetables. This is done thanks to the professional assistance of the Organic Association.
Every year, representatives of the Organic Association give the students lectures on organic agriculture.
Recycling – the students learn about recycling various materials (paper, glass, plastic, metals) and participate in practical projects (i.e. a garden wall built of plastic bottles filled with soil).
Water – the gardens are watered by rain and recycled water.
In the future, we are planning to make a composter which would utilize scrap food and garden clippings. Furthermore, we would like to collect scrap cuttings of tree branches from the Yeshuv, which, when crushed and chopped can be used in our garden to prevent weed growth and evaporation of water from the soil.