“Hadar Yosef” is a semi-private institute. Our funding derives from student’s tuition fees, as well as assistance from the Binyamin Regional Council and the Ministry of Education.
These funds are not sufficient to provide to our many needs, therefore, we address you to take part in special Chesed projects and enrichment of our learning environment.
We would be grateful if you could look into the following projects:

Project Overview
Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef has developed a plan for the creation of a library in memory of Avi and Avital Volansky H”YD.
In 2003 at the beginning of the school year, Avi and Avital Volansky, both teachers at the Talmud Torah were murdered on their way home to Eli. To both Avi and Avital, education and the study of Torah were a central foundation of their lives – in their memory we hope to create a quiet place for learning, reading, and the study of Torah.
Project Description
The library will consist of a Quiet Reading corner, an Audio library for listening to music and stories and a Game Corner a place to play games of logic and reasoning as well as hand-crafted wood games that are designed to develop the thought process.
The objectives of the library are:
- A place of reflection in memory of our dear teachers
- A quiet place for reading
- An indoor learning and recreation center that will enable classes to take a break from classroom studies for indoor activities when winter weather does not permit outdoor activities
- A place for a reading enrichment program
- A place to encourage extracurricular study and research activities
Project Cost
enovation of prefabricated structure $5,000
Furniture *$10,000
Books * $5,000
Audio library $300
Didactic Games $700
Audio Video equipment $2,700
Total Project Cost $23,700
For further information, please contact Eliana Passentin: 052-6051046, eli@hadar-yosef.org.il
Thank you for choosing to support us. Your tax deductible gift may be sent to
Friends of Bnei David
75 Maygrove Road
West Hamstead London NW6 2EG
Talmud Torah Hadar-Yosef Eli
D.N. Efraim 4482800
One Israel Fund
445 Central Ave Suite 210
Cedarhurst, NY 11516
The Mizrachi Organization of Canada
Israel Resident Committee Remittance
296 Wilson Ave.
North York, Ontario M3H1S8