An organic orchard of trees that are part of the Seven Species that Eretz Yisrael was blessed with. Olive trees, pomegranate and grapes along with other fruit trees.
This organic orchard is a project of the Junior High at Hadar-Yosef, The students are fully responsible for the orchard. From day one, they removed the many stones from the earth, cultivated the land, planted the trees, built the irrigation system and fence. This is a plot of land, located near the school that had not been cultivated for over 2,000 years. Pottery shards were found from the second temple period were found nearby.
The tress were planted on Tu Beshvat some years ago by a group who came with the One Israel Fund. Joe Grob from New York who was on this trip, decided to dedicate the Orchard to his fathers memory Mordechai Alav HaShalom.